Jeshika Ramchund is a lead civil engineer at Bosch Projects. Her experience spans water, wastewater, integrated sustainable developments and circular economy projects. She is currently involved in project structuring and financing for green economy and renewable energy projects, while growing a portfolio in the sustainable and integrated development space.
An avid environmentalist and change maker, Ramchund believes that a serious challenge facing the industry is “the eye-rolling” around environmental awareness. “We need to work to help marry hard science, like engineering, into what is deemed a very soft and ‘frivolous’ conversation, like sustainability.” If cynicism is not challenged, then convenience might win. The engineer claims that for the majority of people who live a very protected life, changing consumption patterns is not front of mind. “For someone who is responsible for growing their own food, a delay in rain or a locust outbreak that eats all the crop means a family goes hungry. We struggle to connect how our actions might impact someone who has a different reality to us.”
The answer? Help make green living and environmental conservation mainstream. “A lot of engineering operates in spaces people don’t see. In the integrated development space at Bosch, we connect with solutions that people can identify with to enable them to think about their own contributions to green living.”
This November, Ramchund will be presenting at the Green Building Council South Africa on sustainable changes in the built environment. “South Africa has a well-developed system of standards to operate within the environmental engineering sector, but the goal is to thrive at the scale of infrastructure development. This is where we stand the best chance of setting ourselves apart.”
“We need to work to marry hard science, like engineering, into what is often deemed a very soft and ‘frivolous’ conversation, like sustainability.”